Thursday, March 17, 2011


Religionists: DEFINITION Progressive Traditionalists against Secularism AND Humanism. A religionist is someone who is a partaker in Religionism. See Religionism: Religionists are Ultra-Traditionalist and Spiritual Progressives with a strong Moral Attachment to Religion.   Religionists are Anti-Secular Progressives against The Growing Secular Conformity. Religionists uphold Communities and Non-Profit Organization, Religionists are highly Against Modern Economy and Money Transfers. Religionists typically are for Free Trade and against Capitalism making huge distinctions that the Socially unaware do not typically Make. Religionists oppose Anti-Religion as Bigotry and Cultural Genocide. Religionists are strictly Coexistence Human Rights Activists. Religionism is based on Sufi-Sunni Islamic Moralism that can be found in Shariah Law. The Shariah bases for this is found in the oldest ideals of Salafi and Ṭarīqah Creed which Rejects the assimilation of Secular Conformity, even though Religionism is viewed as a phenomenon by it's Secularist Opponents it's Roots come from the strictest Islamic Back Ground with proposes Multiculturalism and Religious Freedom. Religionists are also Anti-Cultists this means some Groups such as Protestants and Atheists are not Embraced and in fact are Shunned the Way a Jew shuns the 3rd Reich, however Religionists do not Attack the Occults unless attacked first. Sadly the Occultist Media wishes to make it look the other way around and most People sadly buy in to this Deception.

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