Saturday, March 19, 2011

Adnan's letter to Rabbi Weiss

I love you Rabbi Weiss and I wish we had the freedom to invite people like yourself to speak and even reside in a land like ours, the Arabian Peninsula. I felt ashamed when I was touring the National Museum in Yemen and came across some photos of Yemeni Jewish families hung on the walls of that Museum. I felt ashamed that they are now part of the country's history belonging in museums rather than being active members of the country's present society belonging in communities and other civil organisations. Many of us today do miss the Jewish presence and their contribution in our societies. Zion Golan is a popular Jewish figure of Yemeni origins, now enjoys a level popularity in his country of origin that other Arabic or Muslim artists can only dream of. As you repeatedly say, we have had no co-existence problems; it's just the aftermath of the establishment of Israel.

Thursday, March 17, 2011



Human Rights

Religion and Religious Rites and Community and/or Government is a matter of Human Rights. Today Religion is very misunderstood but the Most hated Religion today is Islam. Religion needs to be protected as matter of Human Right that includes Religious Involvement in Judaical Society. "Above All" Organized Religion Needs to be the Most encouraged Community and System. Aristocracies and Secularist are proving more and More to be the True Enemies of Multiculturalism and Spiritual Progressive Society. Let's promote facts and lets ostracize propaganda it's the right thing to do no matter how dual or boringly-moral it sounds to promote the facts as they are THAT'S what Humanity Needs is the Truth. Deists are not Universalists, this is How they work,  World Bank and Federal Reserves, Central Banking Corporations.They Have a Right Wing Show of Protestants and a Left Wing Show of Atheists. They Have an Army Called Zionism. And they have been behind ever Anti-Religionist, Secularist and Humanist Scheme. They are the Root of Capitalism, Communism and all Modern Fascist-Toleration Dictatorships. They have been in Power since they Usurped their Rival the Roman Catholic Church. Since the Enlightenment the Deists along with their rivals Freemasonry and the Golden Dawn System, have taken control of the World's Resources and making illegal the Resources that we could use that are clean and much safer this is due to the lake of profit it makes and the Fact that it has already outdated the Economy.  In the past before the so-called Enlightenment the Roman Catholic Church was at War with the East and hence at war with the Guardians of Eastern Culture: “Who were the Guardians of the East?” "History and Memory will tell you The Muslims" "The Roman Catholic Church Assimilated Europe!" "When did they do this?" When Eastern Christianity declared the Pope a Deviation from his original Post they Assimilated Europe into Roman Catholicism in order that they Could Rule someone. The Roman Catholic Church persecuted Real-Wicca Druids, Native American Shamans and all other Old World western cultures, with the Expanding of the Roman Catholic Church the New Western Culture was Spawned. Then came the Renascence a time of Cultural Expression the Roman Catholics were loosing their Control of Humanity. But After the Renascence ended, came the Enlightenment were the Deists made there Move and Took over Western Culture the Roman Catholic Church was reduced to a Boring Old Institution of Homophobia, Antisemitism  and Islamophobia. But if there is one thing the Deists have proven it's that they Can out do any Evil the Roman Catholic Church has Done and even with more Style. They Started something Much worse than Roman Catholicism Called Protestant Reformation Founded by a Deist Martin Luther, then other Deists like John Calvin and King Henry the 8th, yes this began the worst stage of Killing all Homosexuals, Jews and Eastern Christians and Yes friends Even more Colorful Wars on Islam than what the Roman Catholics could give.  Out of Protestantism would come Anabaptist Christian good loving followers of Jesus which by the way Anabaptists were given Recognition from Apostolic Christian Orthodoxy which is still recognized by Islam, Protestant Reformers such as John Calvin decided that they Must Die his reasoning was that the Women wanted to Dress like Jews as in wear Head covering and the Men wanted to Give to Charity, Yes. Amish, Mennonites, Gideons and Quakers were killed in Mass Genocides all because Protestants hate Anabaptists for being Religious. At the Very Start of the 19th Century Open Atheism, Agnosticism and Secularism was Called Civilized. But Atheism never had any Scientific Claims until Charles Darwin the British Deist wrote a Dogmatic Myth called Natural Selection, This by the way has nothing to do with Real Evolution. Apes that Transform into Humans is not Science it’s Science Fiction And Forensic Science has shown that Prime Mate Chromosomes and Human Chromosomes do not Have Matching Links. Freethinkers had several times before disproved Every Atheist Vehicle including Social Darwinism. Deists are not Freethinkers.  The question raised in most Salafi Muslims about Sufi-Sunni Islamic will to promote the United Religionist Confederacy needs to be understood from both Historical and Moral Salafi View, it is the intention to give of the Sufi-Sunni Muslims to give the Armenians mount Ararat it was taken from them by The Pan-Turkists it was part of their Region and the Caliphate is gone as a result of Secular Selling out blaming Wahhabi, Zionists and the Shia is dishonest. Every Single Muslim calming to even be Muslim own Armenians along with much of the World Restitution for what Pan-Arab Nationalism has done in the Name of Islam.  This reasoning comes from Shariah Law. Bahá’u’lláh the fonder of  The Bahá’í Faith arose out of a region and period full of Corruption and this New Religion was more righteous the so-called Islam of that era and region. For this Reason the Bahá’í Faith is recognized as a Religion by Islam. Sufi-Sunni Islam is the Spearhead of both Anti-Deism International and Religionist Confederacy Worldwide. The War on Terrorism is Really a War on Religion. Secular Conformity is killing us all. Not only is the Secular Anti-Religious but it is also The Humanist Mundane Occult it must be put to a Stop. The Highest Hopes are: under the Umbrella of Islam The Religions together shall unite the world in peace for what we hope is a long Rein, but Western Christianity (not including Anabaptism) is not nor can ever be included it's more than a Cult it's a Cult with the First Anti-Religious yet Paradoxically Dogmatic Ridged Oppression. Make no mistake the Protestants have already labeled us the Antichrist, so if anyone joins us it is to be expected that you will be hated. Non Theism is the Newest Religion and is has resin out of Individuals who can't comprehend God yet recognize the sick and twisted immorality of Atheism. Rastafari is the Sabean Religion their are 2 kinds of Rasta Followers, Rastamen who are Spiritual yet not Religious and the Sabeans who really started Rastafari as the Restoration Movement of the African Sabean Religion. Sabean Religion was not the Religion of pre-Islamic Arabia as several non Muslims try to promote, but there were several Sabeans as well as many kinds of African Peoples who were in Arabia because of Trade. Arabia had several Religions and Cults during pre-Islamic Arabia. Rastafari is the only legitimate Sabean revival Movement it's ties to Sheba, Dedan and Seba are very Real, Geographically this is Today Yemen, Ethiopia and Somalia. Rastafari's involvement is highly important because it is this Religion that is the Diplomat to the Non-Abrahamic Religions. As Muslims our primary Connections are to the Jews are the Noahides under their Wing and the Eastern Christians are the Groups under their Wing such as the Anabaptists. This does not mean we Muslims don't care it's just we have a hard enough time understanding the Trinity Faithful such as the Apostolic Christians and the Sabeans,  we still can't fully understand the Shia Beliefs for they make no Sense to us. The other thing to mention is that this is Going to take Cultural communication that the Secular World does not want to see.      


Religionists: DEFINITION Progressive Traditionalists against Secularism AND Humanism. A religionist is someone who is a partaker in Religionism. See Religionism: Religionists are Ultra-Traditionalist and Spiritual Progressives with a strong Moral Attachment to Religion.   Religionists are Anti-Secular Progressives against The Growing Secular Conformity. Religionists uphold Communities and Non-Profit Organization, Religionists are highly Against Modern Economy and Money Transfers. Religionists typically are for Free Trade and against Capitalism making huge distinctions that the Socially unaware do not typically Make. Religionists oppose Anti-Religion as Bigotry and Cultural Genocide. Religionists are strictly Coexistence Human Rights Activists. Religionism is based on Sufi-Sunni Islamic Moralism that can be found in Shariah Law. The Shariah bases for this is found in the oldest ideals of Salafi and Ṭarīqah Creed which Rejects the assimilation of Secular Conformity, even though Religionism is viewed as a phenomenon by it's Secularist Opponents it's Roots come from the strictest Islamic Back Ground with proposes Multiculturalism and Religious Freedom. Religionists are also Anti-Cultists this means some Groups such as Protestants and Atheists are not Embraced and in fact are Shunned the Way a Jew shuns the 3rd Reich, however Religionists do not Attack the Occults unless attacked first. Sadly the Occultist Media wishes to make it look the other way around and most People sadly buy in to this Deception.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Religionism is the Political Defense of the Religions and sometimes Anti-Political Defense of the Religions.
Religionism: Definition the The Anti-Secularist and Pro-Moralist Counter Lobbying of The Religions and Religious Authority, Religionism Has Four Primary Social Identifications, #1 Religious Activism #2 Humanitarianism #3 Environmentalism and #4 Communitarianism. RELIGIONISM is also distinctly Anti-Secular and Anti-Humanist with a strong foundation in Progressive Traditionalism. Religionists hold that it is the Secular that is holding Humanity back not Religion or Religious People. Religionists maintain Democratic Republic is Good but that Moralist Society(such as Shariah and Confucian-China) is better. 


Religion Definition ( way of life ) /:Way of Life that a society is Culturally attached to.
Religion is a cultural system and/or a set of Creeds and Codes of Morality, Religion also provides traditions and sacred histories that give meaning to life. They derive morality, ethics, human laws or a humane lifestyle and reverence for nature. The Religions differ in Codes and Cultural Creeds for example Abrahamic Religions such as Islam, Eastern Christianity and Judaism encourage mild polygamy but forbid Homosexual Relations,  Druidic Religions like Wicca on the other hand forbid all forms of Polygamy and encourage same-sex
marriage more than opposite-sex marriage, whereas Dhamma Religions such as Vedas and Buddhism do not restrict Human Marriages at all. However all religions share the same fundamentals of sexual law, including strict punishments towards Rape, Pedophilia, Bestiality, Sexual violation to trees, plants as well as mushrooms and of course Necrophilia. Religions teach Monotheism, Trinitarianism or Pantheism, there offshoot schisms how ever sometimes difficultly this forms Cults of Polytheism like Hinduism, Greek Pantheon Cult and the Babylonia Cult that started Anti-Jewish Dogma. Most Religions but not all have congregations for prayer, priestly hierarchies, holy places, and/or scriptures. Modern Cults today are Humanist and Darwinist, such as  Protestantism, Agnosticism, Atheism and Neo-Paganism. The aim of Protestantism seems to be the complete destruction of Eastern Christianity and Islam as well as the transference of Judaism into Zionism, the aim of NeoPaganism seems to be aimed at giving Paganist Religions such as Wicca and Native American Shamanism a bad name or even bringing them in to stereotypes invented by the Roman Catholic Church, it is important to remember that the Roman Catholic Church only became a Religion with the coming of John Paul I I and prior to that it was the Satanic Occult, the aim of Atheism seems to goes beyond the new dogma of  Non-God but it also is about Antitheism.

Each and every Religion can also be defined as an anti-cult society usually Eastern in style
but sometimes pre-western culture, this is usually Referring to Paganist Religions such as Druidic or Native American, the word Pagan does not Mean anti-Monotheism rather the Word is a reference to Anti-Romanism or Anti-Roman Catholicism, sadly today Protestants and Atheists have changed it's meaning to mean several things it does not really mean in order to cause cultural indifference and nothing gives a cult member more Joy than cultural indifference, something that Religions strictly oppose. Religion is highly persecuted by Secularist Groups and Modern Cults based in western thought such as Atheism and Protestantism. Anti-Religion is a Growing Trend in western Dogma aimed at Major Religions and all institutions especially Marriage whether it's opposite-sex marriage, same-sex marriage or multi-sex marriage, Marriage today is threatened by Anti-Religion child raising is also threatened by Anti-Religion, Anti-Religion seeks to insure that all parents are licensed, but this is just the first step they also want to send all children to Orphan Academies, Welcome to Darwinism. If you think this is a Joke think again for this is already becoming Socially excepted by many Atheists and Agnostics today.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

United Religionist Confederacy

This Blog is the Official Website of The United Religionist Confederacy.

We are not of Occultists or any Form of Secret Society. 
We include The Following Religions Islam, Judaism, Eastern Christianity, Anabaptism, Rastafari (the Sabean Faith), Vedicism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Real Wicca Druidism, Native American Shamanism, Noahidism, Non Theism and the Bahá'í' Faith. We do not include Protestantism, Atheism(we include Nihilism & Anti-Theism in that as well) or Deism as Religions we see them as Cults, and we reject Anti-Religion, Freemasonry, Humanism and Secularism as well. We are neutral towards Roman Catholicism, Agnosticism, Ignosticism and New Age. We oppose Anti-Polygamy because of  Non-Druidic Religions such as Islam. AND: We oppose Anti-Same Sex Marriage because Non-Abrahamic Religions such as Real Wicca. WE WILL NOT Tolerate Anti-Shariah, Anti-Eucharist, or Anti-Halakhalah or another bigotry against Moralist Systems. We are against The Deist Monetary System and All forms of Nazism especially Pan-Arab Nationalism(Pan-Turkism in particular), Reichism and Zionism. 
We oppose Capitalism/Fascism and the Conservative Right Wing but we do not oppose Free Trade. 
We oppose Communism/Totalitarianism and the Liberian Left Wing but we do not oppose Socialist Unionism. 
We have a no Racist Policy, RESPECT THAT!!! 
We are a Traditional Liberal Progressive Group we Respect Democratic Republic and Federation but prefer Moralist Societies such as Native American Tribal Rule, Confucian-China and Shariah.
We except Pro-Religious Irreligious individuals as Friends and Allies, but prefer Religionists.  
Together we Hope to overcome Industrial Politics of Secularism and Westernism.